Name of Organization | Contact Info (Phone Number / Email) | Website Link |
Black Man’s Lab | 470-957-6171
| |
Black Women’s Lab | 678-508-5353
| |
Sober Living America | 877-430-0086
| |
Georgia Casa |
Atlanta Center for Self-Sufficiency | 404-446-4682 | |
Community Friendship Inc. | (404) 875-0381 | |
City of Refuge | (404) 874-2241 | |
Positive Transitional Services | (770) 374-9664
| |
Housing For All felons | (770) 256-1783 | |
Self-Care Homes Group | (404) 242-8600 | |
The Faith Project | (678) 330-7298
| |
Serenity House of Atlanta Ministries | (844) 473-7364